Service: Traffic and Transport Assessments

Traffic and Transport Assessments (TTAs) seek to assess the impact of a development proposal on the surrounding road network. Key considerations include traffic impacts, safe and efficient site access and egress, and the impacts of active travel and sustainable transport on the surrounding transport network. TTAs are undertaken in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s Traffic and Transport Assessment Guidelines to progress a development through the planning process. TTAs are necessary for a range of commercial, retail, residential (including strategic housing developments or SHDs), and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) traffic and transport chapters.

Key components of this service include, as necessary:

  • Local authority pre-planning scoping engagement
  • Site assessments
  • Quality audits and road safety audits
  • Traffic survey data specification, procurement, collection and analysis
  • Traffic and transport modelling
  • Parking accumulation analysis and parking impact assessments
  • Strategic housing development (SHD) pre-application meeting representation
  • Expert witness representation at oral hearings
  • Construction Traffic Management Planning (CTMP)
  • Third-party advice and traffic/ transport submissions

Our Latest Service: Traffic and Transport Assessments Projects

National Sports Campus Masterplan

Client: Sport IrelandDuration: August 2019 – Ongoing Project Summary Transport Insights was commissioned by Sport Ireland in August 2019, as part of multi-disciplinary design team to develop a masterplan for the ca. 200 hectares National Sports Campus at Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Within the lifetime of the Masterplan it is envisaged that the site will accommodate…
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Allergan Car Park Expansion

Client: Allergan Pharmaceuticals IrelandDuration: July 2019 to Jan 2020 Project Summary Transport Insights was commissioned by Allergan Pharmaceuticals in July 2019 to undertake a Traffic and Transport Assessment (TTA) in relation to the proposed expansion of on-site car parking facilities at its campus in Westport, County Mayo. The commission post-dated earlier transport engineering design support…
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Ashford Studios Development

Client: Ashford StudioDuration: 2016 – 2017 Project Summary Transport Insights was commissioned by Ashford Studios in August 2016 to undertake a Traffic and Transport Assessment (TTA), and to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) Traffic and Transport Chapter in relation to a planning application to expand Ashford Studios in County Wicklow. The proposed development…
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Mixed-Use Developments

Client: IRES Fund Management LimitedDuration: May 2017 – Ongoing Project Summary Transport Insights was commissioned by IRES Fund Management Limited, via a series of commissions from May 2017 onwards, to provide transport consultancy support in relation to planning applications for mixed-use development proposals in Dublin City Centre, Sandyford and Tallaght. Support has ranged from initial…
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Martin Junction Upgrade

Client: Galway City CouncilDuration: May – November 2019 Project Summary Transport Insights was commissioned by Galway City Council in May 2019 to provide traffic modelling support and transport engineering design advice for the proposed upgrade of Martin Roundabout to a signalised junction at Ardaun, Galway. The project’s deliverables sought to support an application to the…
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