Westport Local Transport Plan

Westport Local Transport Plan

Transport Insights’ team are delighted to be partnering with WSP in providing transport planning support to Mayo County Council in developing a Local Transport Plan for Westport Town. Mayo County Council will manage the project with project funding provided by the National Transport Authority as part of the Active Travel Investment Programme.

Building upon existing strengths, including the Great Western Greenway which begins in Westport, the project shall align with all existing relevant policies ensuring alliance with Project Ireland 2040, National Planning Framework. The Local Transport Plan is to consider all modes of transport under an ‘Avoid-Shift-Improve’ approach, with a particular focus on sustainable travel modes (walking, cycling, public transport etc.) to enable and support greater use of sustainable travel modes throughout the Town and its environs. The Plan will be developed in accordance with best practice as set out in the National Transport Authority’s Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) guidance. In addition, the plans shall consider and support the development by Mayo County Council of the Westport & Environs Local Area Plan and emerging County Development Plan (2021-2027).

To develop the Local Transport Plan, Transport Insights in conjunction with WSP and Mayo County Council will firstly seek to identify and assess existing infrastructure provisions in the Town, identify key desire lines and destinations, review road safety data, and collate and collect comprehensive set of transport survey data within the town. These baseline review and analysis outputs will then inform development of the Plan, along with input from key stakeholders during the process, to provide a framework to guide and support the sustainable future growth of the Town. The assessment of potential interventions will be supported by development by Transport Insights of a Local Area Model for the Town (using SATURN modelling software), using the National Transport Authority’s West Regional Model as the starting point, and isolated junction models to assess specific interventions at a local level.