Omagh Place Shaping Plan

Omagh Place Shaping Plan

Transport Insights is proud to have provided transport planning support to KPMG Future Analytics in developing the emerging Omagh Place Shaping Plan, the draft of which is currently the subject of an eight-week public consultation launched by Fermanagh & Omagh District Council in July. The Place Shaping Plan will help strengthen and improve the resilience of Omagh by leveraging local assets and ensuring their sustainable use.

The commission has involved undertaking a review of the mobility-related attributes of Omagh Town, including local travel patterns and transport infrastructure, the outputs of which have informed the identification of key strengths and opportunities. Transport Insights’ work has built and expanded upon earlier plans and studies at a district level, including the Fermanagh and Omagh Local Transport Study. It has been supported by a GIS-based accessibility analysis of Omagh Town Centre, demonstrating that it is compact and conducive to walking and cycling, both for leisure and utility purposes, subject to enhancing the walking and cycling environment. An assessment of car parking facilities in and around the Town Centre was also completed with respect to their location, capacity, pricing, and ownership, which a significant opportunity identified to relocate parking away from its core part without significantly impacting accessibility. The implications of the STRULE Shared Education Campus delivery and the future A5 Western Transport Corridor scheme have also been considered.

Publication of the Draft Place Shaping Plan represents a key milestone in Transport Insights’ ongoing involvement in local government planning projects within the Fermanagh and Omagh District administrative area. Working together with KPMG Future Analytics, Transport Insights has in Spring 2022 secured a contract for delivery of the Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan, development of which is currently underway.