Malahide Parking Study

Malahide Parking Study

Urban parking, friend or foe? Parking provision within both urban and suburban settings is a highly emotive and much debated topic – users want to be able to park close to their end destination, and also want to ensure they do not encounter traffic congestion en route. User preferences vary depending on the trip purpose and duration, for example those making a short-stay shopping trip would expect to park adjacent to their destination even if it means having to pay a premium; whereas all-day commuters are prepared to walk a short distance to their place of work, but are more sensitive to parking charges.

Urban parking policy, including parking capacity and management interventions, needs to take into account the economic needs of the area, while ensuring that it does not contribute to traffic congestion on local roads. But just what is the right mix, and how is it determined?

Following appointment by Malahide Chamber of Commerce in February 2017 to undertake a parking study for Malahide Village, the above considerations were at the forefront of Transport Insights’ considerations. The study comprised of an on- and off-street parking survey, parking user interviews, GIS population analysis (see attached image to the right) and parking demand forecasting, all of which provided an appropriately robust evidence base to identify specific recommendations for the Village. The parking study report will be used by Malahide Chamber of Commerce in upcoming engagement with Fingal County Council in relation to the future development and management of the Village’s car parking stock.