
Transport Insights completes first project!

Transport Insights was commissioned to prepare a transport impact assessment (TIA) for a proposed major residential development on Local Area Plan (LAP) lands in North County Dublin. Our assessment has now concluded, and the TIA was recently submitted to the local authority for consideration.

Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets – are we culturally ready?

Last month the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar, launched the ‘Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets’. Produced jointly by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government with a multi-disciplinary local authority led team; it illustrates the Irish Government’s commitment to the…
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Big and bold versus small and beautiful?

In transport, one of the most hotly debated topics is where and how governments should target capital investment. This is by no means unique to Ireland; however of particular relevance are the limited financial resources available to us in the medium term. Why does it evoke such interest? Interest is far from limited to those…
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Why do I need a transport strategy?

What is the role of a transport strategy, and what are the benefits of an effective and deliverable one? Transport strategies are developed to form part of, or complement, a structured planning framework, generally commissioned by national, sub-national or local government, or an agency on their behalf. They inform or support policy (such as economic…
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Transport Insights – New Dublin Office

Transport planning consultancy Transport Insights has moved to 11/12 Baggot Court, located close to key transport sector clients. Commenting on the move, Ciaran McKeon, Transport Insights’ Managing Director said he is “delighted to move to this well-appointed office facility in the heart of Dublin’s City Centre. This modern office will provide a convenient, central location…
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