Parkmore West Business Park Traffic Management Review

Parkmore West Business Park Traffic Management Review

Client: Medtronic Traffic Group
Duration: February to March 2017

Project Summary

Transport Insights was commissioned by Medtronic Traffic Group in February 2017 to undertake a traffic management review of the Parkmore West Business Park in Galway to address concerns relating to severe peak period traffic congestion. The review sought to analyse the performance of the road network in the Parkmore area, including its interface with the national network, and identify appropriate short-term recommendations to address these issues.

Key tasks included: specification and commissioning of comprehensive traffic survey data collection; comprehensive peak period site assessment and junction operational reviews; development of a LinSig network traffic model of Parkmore Road, R339 and the N6; review and impact modelling of a proposed local authority road improvements’ scheme, and separately of signal optimisation measures at modelled key junctions.

Added Value Brought to Project

Transport Insights provided Medtronic Traffic Group with key outputs from the analysis to support its engagement with Galway County Council in relation to both planned short-term and medium-long term enhancement proposals for the local area.