Transport Insights Supports Redevelopment of Bayside Shopping Centre

Transport Insights Supports Redevelopment of Bayside Shopping Centre

Fingal County Council has recently announced the grant of planning permission for the redevelopment of Bayside Shopping Centre in Dublin 13. The planned mixed-use redevelopment of the site comprises a retail food store, ancillary retail units, medical centre, gym, creche, offices, restaurant, cafe, in addition to new residential dwellings.

Working as part of the Client’s planning and architectural team, Transport Insights assessed the traffic, parking and transport impacts of the development proposal in support of the planning application.

Commenting on the Council’s decision, Transport Insights’ Project Manager, Eoin Munn said “Fingal County Council’s decision to grant permission for redevelopment of the shopping centre is warmly welcomed, and reflects both the centre owner’s determination to see the complex reinvigorated and the overall quality of the submission from the project team.