Transport Insights supports development of Hill of Uisneach Visitor Centre

Transport Insights supports development of Hill of Uisneach Visitor Centre

Westmeath County Council has recently announced the grant of planning permission for a visitor centre at the Hill of Uisneach at Loughnavalley. The Hill of Uisneach is known as the mythological centre of Ireland and is home to the yearly Uisneach Fire Festival.

Working as part of the Client’s planning and architectural team, Transport Insights provided design advice, and undertook a Transport Impact Assessment and a Road Safety Audit in support of the planning application.

Commenting on the Council’s decision, Transport Insights’ Project Manager, Eoin Munn said “Westmeath County Council’s decision to grant permission for this exciting project is warmly welcomed, and reflects both the Council’s ambitions for the area and the overall quality of the submission from the project team.”